Friday, July 31, 2009

A Tale of A Beach Romance

Yesterday the boys and I spent the afternoon at Solimar Beach with my friend Jen and her family. Jen and I met in birth class and have been great friends ever since. Luke and her daughter Olivia adore each other.

Here's the story; Luke fell asleep on the way there and even slept for a couple hours when we got there. In the meantime this is what went down....

- A Tale of A Beach Romance -

Jakey (a.k.a. Warrior Boy) immediately sheds all restricting clothing, grabs an oar and soaks in the sun plotting his attack...

Closing in...
Me Warrior Boy, Me get girl!

Warrior stance.
Mission accomplished!

YES! Now for our quick getaway...
Kayak, check; brother's girlfriend, check; ill-fitting life vest, check!

Then...just before the ship set sail Prince Lukey awakes and sweeps into rescue his damsel in "distress". She is overjoyed to be reunited with her betrothed.

However Princess O's is a bit apprehensive when Prince Lukey decides the more the merrier and invites Warrior Boy to get dressed, abandon his pirating missions and live happily ever after with him and Princess O!
(as long as he get his own little lady)

Later Warrior boy changes his name to "King of Everything"!

- The End -

Jake found my plastic head band under the bathroom sink and wore it for the afternoon...even to the YMCA where he played in the nursery with Luke while I worked out.
I have to admit I think he pulls off the "Axle Rose look" nicely!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dentist & More...

Jake has just been crackin' me up lately and luckily I've been able
to catch some of these funny moments on "film". Plus he's gotten SOOOO cute!
Disclaimer: this post is not intended to show favoritism toward one Imbler boy or the other...some posts just end up that way!

Our little men were ideal patients at the dentist this week. Since his visit Luke has brushed his teeth about 20x/day; Jake is less diligent! They couldn't have been better...minus the Goldfish crackers Jake had a death grip on and wouldn't let me have before he got into the chair. I don't think the dentist ever did get all those fishies out of his teeth!

You can't exactly tell in this picture below but Luke was staring at the dentist almost longingly like "SO, how do they look? Please tell me you love my teeth and I don't have any cavities...
like mommy!!"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July!
We had a great day going to the kids parade downtown, BBQ'ng with Lawlers and ending the night with friends watching fireworks at our house.

Unfortunately I must have ordered the "extra-smoke sparklers"! After a dozen or so sparklers the entire backyard was filled with smoke and we were all practically gaging so we resorted to enjoying the more serene and festive glow-sticks! The kids were just as happy!

Think he's impressed? Which one you ask?

Oh, look the little "sleeping family ham" and his side kick 'Giggles'...aka...Lukey!
About 10 minutes after this picture was taken Jake was sound asleep. But I was glad they both lasted for the fireworks!

Swim Lessons!

Like most kids Luke loves the water. He dives for things, jumps off the diving board, floats on his back and is getting down the strokes and kicks too! He's taking lessons for 5 weeks, 2x/wk with a private instructor...and two of his new friends.
Best part I don't even have to get wet!!
Fun, Fun!

Jake's "NOOOO" expression!
I guess he didn't want his picture taken.

and his other sensitive side...