Friday, April 3, 2009

The Story of Easter bt Luke

Last week we dealt with saying goodbye to Phife...this week I'm dealing with Luke a.k.a. HiveBoy. (God is keeping me on my toes these days with one thing after another...) Poor guy has hives all over his little body...dr says it's a virus and not contagious. I gave him Benodryl to reduce the itching. Yesterday morning he was a scratching maniac but today he was wasn't itchy even though he still had the rash.

My main reason for posting tonight is to upload this video of Luke telling the story of Easter. A friend told me about these eggs enclosed with little objects that make sharing the story of Easter easy with kids. Luke loves them and is a sponge for information. I can see in his eyes, actions and enthusiasm throughout the day that he has a heart for God...what more could a mother ask for!?

Enjoy the below videos...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That was so cute! Tell Luke I think he did an amazing job! oh and you as well sis, great camera work and assistance! xoxoxox love you guys!

  3. What a smart little wipper snapper - I'm very impressed that Luke knows more about Easter then many adults. Your boys are sooooo cute I could just squeeze them :)

  4. Candice, this is adorable! thanks for sharing it with me. i still have my box of "resurrection" eggs that i made with our kids when they were little. fun memories!
