Just a little bath time; whatever one does the other follows....
We had a busy week last week - I started a bible study at our house for moms on Monday mornings from 9-11. We had 5 moms and 9 kids last week - we split up so one group of moms did the study and the others watched the kids and then switched. Great way to start the week.
We also planted a little garden in the backyard - only a few plants...corn, bell pepper, tomato and beans. I considered planting habaneros as a form of discipline but decided against it...haha While I was doing other stuff in the yard Jake spent about 30 minutes moving the 5 or so 4" pots from one area to another. He was such a busy bee and VERY focused!! Too cute!
On Sunday I ran in a 5K unfortunately I have a cold which made my run feel like I was wearing lead shoes and lungs but I finished. There were about 125 runners and I placed 20th overall and 8th in women.
You are my idol. I think if I ran to the end of my block right now something would fall off.