So today I had 4 kids under 4 yrs old under my "lone supervision" for about 4 hours - 444 is the new sign of the devil...haha No, they were actually all great! No meltdowns, brawls or bitings to speak of - even on a good day I can't claim that with just my two!
But it was like "Playing Olympics" here - we ate lunch, played Chutes & Ladders, on the swing set, Super Heroes, with the rocket launcher, in the sand box, had CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM, played inside with all our toys...WOW...I should've had kids in my 20's for the energy they require! Anyways, here are some funny pics of (mainly Jake) savoring every drop of his ice cream, well, all except that which got on his face, shirt, pants, on his hands and hair.
Jake wouldn't let me clean him off so he played in the sand box with sand-covered chocolate hands and face. Who knows, maybe he'll find a career as a circus clown and choose this photo to send in with his resume!
I really wish I had a good explanation for the last 2 photos but I don' best guess is that Jake was trying to suck every last morsel from the cup on the left.
And for the below photo, when I first saw him in the sand box he was laying on his back with his hands behind his head. Unfortunately he would not reinnact the position so this is what we got instead...him curled up, face down in the tiny sand box looking half-dead!